Slipstream Team

Brooks Hogya – Founder/Instructor

Brooks Hogya founded Slipstream Wilderness First Aid in 1990. Slipstream is an industry-leading wilderness first aid training organization, expanding services across Western Canada and Japan.  He has trained and certified over 10,000 outdoor adventure professionals through 50 to 90 hours of evidence-based training including outdoor adventurers, guides, field scientists, and park wardens.

Brooks earned a Master of Arts (MA) in Disaster and Emergency Management at Royal Roads University in 2016 and was honoured with Governor Generals Award (Gold) for the innovative creation of a tabletop exercise game about disaster resilience and risk as part of Master’s thesis.

Recognizing that tensions are increasing around the world in environmental, social, economic, and political spheres—fuelled by climate change, disasters, and conflict—Brooks sees an increased need for changes in traditional disaster management practices motivating him to pursue a Doctorate degree in Disasters at Royal Roads University.

M “Doc” Crawford – Instructor

Michael started his foray into medicine in 1985 as a medic in the US Navy/Marine Corps, serving as a critical care corpsman at Bethesda Naval Hospital. He was next stationed onboard the USS Canopus and worked with both the Medical Department and the US Marine detachment onboard the ship where he earned the nickname “Doc.” After getting out, Doc worked at Tucson Medical Center as a patient care technician in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit.

Doc has been a Wilderness First Aid Instructor since 2005. He is an Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) Instructor and Instructor Trainer, as well as a member of and trainer for the Mount Washington Ski Patrol Association. Doc is a member of the Wilderness Medical Society, and is pursuing his Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM).

Mike Prochazka – Instructor

Mike has been with Slipstream since 1994. He has a long history of administering first aid, currently as Ski Patrol Supervisor on Cypress Bowl and previously as a First Aid Attendant for a reforestation firm. An avid fly fisherman and back-country traveler, Mike has explored much of British Columbia. Mike is one of our most experienced Wilderness First Aid instructors and he is also our resident Outdoor Emergency Care specialist.

Lindsay Janes – Instructor

Lindsay joined Slipstream as an instructor in 2012. Much of her first aid experience comes from working as a ski patroller, lifeguard, on-site first aid attendant and wildland firefighter, but in addition to the many first aid tickets that she has held, she also  has a BSc, a BEd, and certification in interpretation and marine safety.

As an avid outdoors enthusiast, she loves her time in the wilderness, and has extensive experience guiding wildlife-watching, photography and hiking tours along the coast of BC, and through the Interior and Canadian Rockies. Lindsay has over 20 years of teaching, instructing and guiding, and enjoys every opportunity to continue pursuing these passions.

Melinda Hjelholt – Office Manager 

Melinda joined Slipstream in August 2005 and now leads the quirky admin team, holding the official job title “Magician Juggler Tightrope-Walker Mind-Reader.” She is also fondly referred to by her coworkers as “The Voice of Reason.”Managing her family’s three businesses as a young adult, combined with completion of the masters program at the Victoria College of Art in 2004, prepared Melinda to meet the demands in creative and analytical thinking presented by her unique position at Slipstream Headquarters. Melinda finds great enjoyment in aimless wandering, sunny days, compulsive inspired creation including abstract drawing, painting, and photography, showing off her 1973 vintage Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, discovering the workings of the universe, and smooshing her four beautiful nephews.

Trish Duncan – Marketing/Communications 

Coming soon…

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